How to Prevent Fly-Tipping

Written by David Brayfield

December 8, 2023

In the UK, fly-tipping is a significant environmental crime, damaging the landscape, wildlife, and local communities. This illegal activity also comes with a cost to private and public bodies alike.

The impact of fly-tipping UK councils and businesses

  • Significant fly-tipping incidents can easily cost up to £100,000 to clean up.
  • In 2019/20, local authorities spent £69 million investigating and clearing up fly-tipping incidents.
  • The cost of correcting fly-tipping is increasing every year.
  • Fly-tipping clearance costs are expected to cost local authorities in England and Wales £150 million a year.
  • Almost 1,000 fly-tips are found in England daily.
  • According to a government report, the cost of fly-tipping on private land is 3x higher than on council land.
  • Fly-tipping in the UK ranges from household waste in rural lanes to large-scale dumping on private land.
  • Fly-tipping harms the environment and places a financial burden on landowners and local authorities for cleanup efforts.
VisionGuard FlyTippingPrevention
How to Prevent Fly-Tipping 3

4 ways to prevent fly-tipping

  • Fencing and Barriers: Erect robust fencing or barriers to restrict access. This tactic is particularly effective in rural areas where fly-tippers often target secluded land.
  • Surveillance and Lighting: Deploy a wireless CCTV system and improve lighting.
  • Signage: Use signs to warn against illegal dumping, citing the potential fines and legal actions as per the UK’s Environmental Protection Act.
  • Community Engagement: Engage with local councils and neighbourhood watch groups. Reporting suspicious activities to the local authorities can help prevent fly-tipping.
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The legal responsibilities and rights of UK landowners

Under UK law, landowners are responsible for any waste found on their property and must ensure its legal disposal. However, the Environmental Protection Act 1990 provides rights to landowners to secure their property and take legal action against trespassers. Familiarity with these laws is crucial in safeguarding your property.

Can landowners monitor and deter fly-tipping?

With VisionGuard, yes, it is possible. We can deploy our effective wireless monitoring system within 24 hours. Our solution helps landowners deter fly-tipping, potentially saving money by not having to incur an expensive cleanup operation.

Get a free site survey

We’ll let you know how VisionGuard can help deter fly-tipping on your property with a free site survey. Call us on 0333 444 5 999 or email us at to chat with the team.

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